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Kimmie's Recovery Zone Family Program
For: Family and friends of alcoholics and addicts who:
Have been impacted by the disease.
Have a difficult time understanding why their loved one behaves the way he/she does.
Do not understand how addiction is a disease.
Do not know how to effectively support their loved one.
Have questions about the effect and impact of addiction.
Feel hopeless about the future of their loved one.
Many people with loved ones suffering from addiction experience first-hand the impact the disease has over their loved one, as well as their relationships. The construction of the addiction process is complex and entails genetics, environment, memory, motivation, mental illness, reward, and related brain circuitry. The family’s overall understanding of this process is crucial for supporting their loved ones through treatment and recovery.
Our experience is that once a family is educated, they can increase the quality of their lives, as well as enhance the addicted person’s chances for success in treatment and recovery.